So, life got slammed again and I went missing in action! I had to take a lil break from photography and blogging due to the craziness of life. However, I hope to slowly get back into it. All that to say, my first session in awhile, was my very first wedding!
*I AM NOT a wedding photographer! *
However, I let myself get talked into shooting this very special wedding. This was a 2nd wedding of two wonderful people. One of who is a friend of a good friend of mine. Anyways, they did not want "wedding" photos but more of a family session before the wedding, commemorating the joining of two families into one. I didn't do any photos of the actual ceremony just family photos before. Even so, I learned A LOT! I am really glad that I did this as it pushed me way out of my comfort zone. Thankfully, after it looking like horrible weather with no safety cushion of being rescheduled for a few days, it ended up being absolutely gorgeous with perfect light! We were at the beautiful Scarrit Bennet campus so I couldn't have asked for a prettier back drop for which to shoot. The wedding party looked fabulous and so we ended up with a great session! So allow me to show you my first ever "wedding" photos!